Harbhanga buri’ miracle treatment exposed by rationalists’ association

Harbhanga buri’ miracle treatment exposed by rationalists’ association
The first atheist conference of the state was held on Sunday 17/3/2024 at Chaitanyadham Nabadwip. on the atheist stage. Delegates came from different parts of the state, Assam, Tripura and even Bangladesh. Historians say that a renaissance started in Bengal under his hands. Under the influence of Caitanya, social, cultural and especially religious notions were
Our literary traditions in India, such as the great epics Ramayan and Mahabharat, have long been celebrated and revered. However, it is important to consider the flip side of these works and recognize that they are casteistic and promote discrimination in society. The works depict a rigid social structure based on skin color, with four
Why I Am Not a Christia – Bertrand Russell As your Chairman has told you, the subject about which I am going to speak to you tonight is ‘Why I am not a Christian’. Perhaps it would be as well, first of all, to try to make out what one means by the word ‘Christian’.
Author’s comments on this article : The Beef is now a hotly debated topic. The debate is nothing new, ever since the days of independence struggle, a section of Nationalists, sought to give to the Indian Nationalism, the twist of a Hindutwa Nationalist obscurantism. Even in the Constituent Assembly, ban on cow slaughter and ban
In this article, lets verify the existence of Rama Setu. Rama Setu, officially known as Adam’s bridge is one of the heated debates in India. It is said that Lord Rama, in order to save his wife Sita, who was kidnapped by Ravana, with his army of monkeys built a bridge which connects the Southern
For years, researchers have watched as an increasing number of young American adults chose not to identify with a specific religious tradition. A new report is offering further insight into the beliefs ― and influence ― of this burgeoning group. The most common religious identity among Americans ages 18 to 29 is “none,” according to
Atheists are more generous toward Christians than Christians are toward them, a new study has claimed. Researchers at Ohio University asked participants to share monetary rewards with partners in a version of the “dictator game”, in which one person had no power to affect the division of the bounty.
Myanmar, a country well known for its famous ancient Buddhist temples and pagodas, popular for its vipassana meditation practices, has a rich culture distinctly influenced by Buddhism. That said, it’s inevitable that Buddhist monks, who are responsible for missionary purposes, play a vital role in shaping that culture. Role of Buddhism in Burmese history The
Myanmar’s military had been terrorizing its people since 1962. In 1962, there was a student uprising against the military coup. As a result, the whole student union building of Yangon University , the largest and oldest university in Myanmar, was blown up, and the students who tried to escape the bombing were shot. This is